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Research Report

Variation and Functional Markers of Xa23 Promoter of Rice Bacterial Blight Resistance Gene  

Dandan Zhang , Yulong Fan , Xiangyun Ji , Zhihui Xia
Hainan Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Bioresources, College of Tropical Crops, Hainan University, Haikou, 570228, P.R. China
Author    Correspondence author
Rice Genomics and Genetics, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 3   doi: 10.5376/rgg.2022.13.0003
Received: 09 Feb., 2022    Accepted: 18 Feb., 2022    Published: 14 Mar., 2022
© 2022 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This article was first published in Molecular Plant Breeding in Chinese, and here was authorized to translate and publish the paper in English under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Zhang D.D., Fan Y.L., Ji X.Y., and Xia Z.H., 2022, Variation and functional markers of Xa23 promoter of rice bacterial blight resistance gene, Rice Genomics and Genetics, 13(3): 1-6 (doi:10.5376/rgg.2022.13.0003)


Xa23 is a dominant gene with broad spectrum and strong resistance to bacterial blight of rice. The functional difference between Xa23 and the allele susceptible gene xa23 lies in the 28 bp core sequence on the promoter that is recognized and activated by the avirulent effector avrXa23 of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae (EBEavrXa23) and development of Xa23 functional markers can speed up the process of rice breeding. In this study, the Xa23 promoters of 43 wild rice and 7 representative conventional rice were tested, and the 200 bp sequence upstream of the promoter was analyzed using Vector NTIThe results showed that only 9 common wild rice and 2 conventional rice could amplify about 200 bp sequence upstream of promoter, and the detection rate was only 22.0%, indicating that Xa23 was not widespread in rice. Further sequence analysis showed that there were abundant variations in the sequence of EBEavrXa23, with at least seven haplotypes in its allele sequence, but EBEavrXa23 only exists in rice CBB23. Finally, the Xa23 dominant functional marker was developed based on the sequence of EBEavrXa23. It was verified that the marker could clearly distinguish whether there was Xa23 gene in rice. This study will be helpful to further study the evolution mechanism of Xa23 and molecular mark assisted breeding. 

Bacterial blight; Xa23 promoter; Sequence analysis; EBEavrXa23; Molecular marker

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the major food crops in the world (Liu et al., 2010). Its planting area in China is up to 3.0×107 hm2, and its total output is 2.0×1011 kg, accounting for about 34% of the total grain output in China, which is crucial to national food security (Zeng, 2018). Bacterial blight is one of the most serious diseases of rice (Huang et al., 2012), which is caused by the infection of rice varieties of Gram-negative bacteria Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae (Xoo) (Khush, 2005; Zhai and Zhu, 1999). It can cause 10%~30% reduction in rice yield, and can reach 50% in severe cases. At tillering stage, infection of rice will lead to total crop failure (Mew, 1987). At present, the cultivation of rice resistant varieties is the most economical and environmentally friendly way for disease resistance (Sanchez et al., 2000; Singh et al., 2001). The application of molecular mark assisted breeding avoids the disadvantages of traditional breeding such as low efficiency, low accuracy, and high cost.


So far, 27 dominant genes and 17 recessive genes resistant to bacterial blight have been reported, with a total of 44 (Liang et al., 2017; Kim, 2018). Among them, Xa23 gene is derived from the Chinese common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff). Xa23 gene is a dominant gene with broad spectrum and strong resistance to most Chinese bacterial blight pathogenic races, Philippine races, and Japanese races (Zhang et al., 2000; Zhang et al., 2001). Xa23 gene was found in Chinese wild rice in 1987. After that, Zhang et al. (2000) cultivated the near isogenic line CBB23 of Xa23 gene, and Xa23 gene was mapped on chromosome 11 by SSR markers. Then the position of Xa23 was accurately located on the long arm of chromosome by molecular markers SSR and RAPD (Pan et al., 2003). Further study found that AFLP marker APKj23 was more closely linked to Xa23, and the mapdistance between APKj23 and Xa23 was about 1.0 cM (Zhang et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2005). The Xa23 gene was located between the two molecular markers Lj138 and A83B4, and the molecular marker Lj74 co-segregated with the Xa23 gene was found (Wang et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2014). Subsequently, Xa23 gene and its corresponding avirulent gene avrXa23 were cloned one by one. avrXa23 is a transcription activator-like effector (TALE) widely existing in bacterial blight, which can recognize a specific DNA sequence with length of 28 bp (TALE binding element, EBE) on the promoter of Xa23 gene, thereby activating Xa23 gene expression. However, the promoter region of allele susceptible gene xa23 lacks avrXa23 specific binding region and cannot be induced to express (Wang et al., 2015).


In this study, the Xa23/xa23 promoter sequences of wild rice and common cultivated rice were analyzed, hoping to reveal the variation of Xa23 and xa23 promoter regions, so as to design effective functional markers, and provide technical support for improving rice bacterial blight resistance by using Xa23 gene.


1 Results and Analysis

1.1 Xa23 gene promoter amplification

The primers Xa23PF and Xa23PR were used to detect Xa23/xa23 in 43 common wild rice varieties and 7 cultivated varieties in China and abroad by PCR. The results showed that there were only 9 obvious amplification products in 43 wild rice samples such as No.8, No.9, No.11, etc., and the detection rate was only 20.9% (Figure 1; Table 1). Only TP309 and Nipponbare could amplify bright bands in the 7 conventional rice cultivars, while 9311 and the germplasms (IRBB5, IRBB21 and IRBB27) with a single resistance gene to bacterial blight, had no obvious specific amplification, indicating that Xa23/xa23 had a low presence rate in wild rice and conventional rice (Table 1).



Table 1 Rice germplasms detected in this study

Note: No: The non-amplified fragment


According to the PCR products and the sequence size of amplified fragments, Xa23/xa23 promoter amplified products could be divided into four types: (1) No amplification products, such as wild rice No.1, No.2, No.3, etc. (2) The size of amplified product was about 750 bp, such as No. 8 and No. 9 common wild rice. (3) The size of product was about 650 bp, such as TP309, Nipponbare, etc. (4) The size of product was about 550 bp, such as CBB23, No.21, No.23 common wild rice, etc. (Figure 1).



Figure 1 Xa23 promoter amplification

Note: M: DL2000 DNA Marker; 1~22: Common wild rice; CK: CBB23


1.2 Abundant variations in Xa23 gene promoter

The 200 bp sequence upstream of the starting codon of Xa23 was compared and analyzed. Results showed that EBEavrXa23 was located between -125 and -98 bp in the sequence 200 bp upstream of the start codon ATG. The allelic sequence of EBEavrXa23 (ebeavrXa23) had abundant variations in other rice germplasms and could be divided into 8 haplotypes. In addition to the H0 type (IR24, O. longistaminata, O. barthii, O. glaberrima) with no obvious consistent sequence with EBEavrXa23, there are at least 7 haplotypes in EBEavrXa23, such as H1 represented by CBB23, H2 represented by JG30, H3 represented by 9311, H4 represented by O. meridionalis, H5 represented by O. glumaepatula, H6 represented by Nipponbare, and H7 represented by wild rice 200 (Figure 2). By comparing the 200 bp nucleotide sequence upstream of the start codon, it was found that in all 34 groups of Xa23/xa23 promoter sequences, EBEavrXa23 sequence only existed in CBB23, and the H2 haplotype represented by JG30 with the highest nucleotide sequence consistency, which was 98%~99%. The lowest is the H0 type that does not have obvious consistenc y sequence with EBEavrXa23, and the consistency is between 35% and 46% (Table 2).



Figure 2 Comparative analysis of Xa23 promoter sequence

Note: Contains the promoter of EBEavrXa23; Underlined is avrXa23 binding site; The arrow shows the position of the upstream primer for the function marker



Table 2 Xa23 promoter and allelic xa23 promoter sequence analysis


1.3 The design of Xa23 function mark

EBEavrXa23 only exists in the Xa23 promoter and has great difference with other xa23 alleles. Therefore, the designed upstream primers of Xa23 functional marker are partially located on EBEavrXa23 (Figure 2). Firstly, the rice CBB23 with Xa23 gene was detected, and total DNA amplification of rice IR24, 9311, and Nipponbare without Xa23 gene was performed to detect whether the Xa23 functional marker was effective. Results showed that only the varieties with Xa23 gene could amplify a band of about 105 bp, while there was no amplified band without the Xa23 gene (Figure 3), indicating that the designed functional markers could distinguish whether there was Xa23 gene.



Figure 3 Xa23 function mark verification

Note: M: DL2000 DNA Marker; 1: IR24; 2: 9311; 3: CBB23; 4: CBB23/9311; 5: Nipponbare; 6: JG30


2 Discussion

About the variation of Xa23, a total of 278 representative materials (71 cultivated rice varieties and 207 wild rice varieties) were used as experimental objects to detect the presence of Xa23/xa23 (Cui et al., 2017; Cui, 2018). It was found that only 97 out of 278 rice materials could amplify the Xa23/xa23 gene. The sequences of the 97 groups were further analyzed, and the Xa23/xa23 promoter was divided into 5 haplotypes based on the 9 SNP loci and 2 InDel variation information on the promoter. In addition, 15 wild rice samples with EBEavrXa23 sequence were also found.


In this study, it was also found that only 11 out of 50 rice materials could amplify the Xa23/xa23 gene, indicating that Xa23 was not widespread in rice. And EBEavrXa23 only exists in rice CBB23. Besides, it was found that there were abundant variations in the sequence of EBEavrXa23/ebeavrXa23, in addition to the 4 sequences significantly inconsistent with EBEavrXa23, there were at least 7 haplotypes.


Because of the abundant variations in EBEavrXa23/ebeavrXa23, it is difficult to develop codominant markers for Xa23 that are widely used. The dominant functional marker of Xa23, which developed based on the EBEavrXa23/ebeavrXa23 sequence difference, may clearly detect whether the sample carries Xa23, but whether Xa23 is homozygous still requires other linkage markers of Xa23.


3 Materials and Methods

3.1 Experimental materials

In addition to the rice CBB23 (Xa23) carrying disease resistance Xa23 gene and the rice JG30 (xa23) carrying susceptible allelic xa23, 31 foreign common wild rice, 12 domestic common wild rice (named after the collection site), 7 common rice varieties IR24, Nipponbare, 9311, Taipei 309 (TP309) and the materials carrying single resistance gene against bacterial blight IRBB21(Xa21), IRBB27(Xa27), IRBB5(xa5) were used for sequencing and amplification of Xa23 promoter (Table 1).


3.2 PCR amplification of Xa23 promoter

The Xa23/xa23 promoter sequences of rice CBB23 (GenBank N.: KP123634.1) and JG30 (KP123635.1) were obtained from GenBank database. Through comparative analysis, promoter primer Xa23PF CTCTTCCCTGAGTCAAAGTC; Xa23PR: GGAGAATAACCATCTGTCG was designed to amplify Xa23.


The total DNA of rice leaves was used as the template for PCR amplification. The reaction system is as follows: 2×Taq PCR Mix 10 μL, ddH2O 7 μL, primer Xa23PF 1 μL, primer Xa23PR (10 μmol/L) 1 μL, template DNA (50 ng/μL) 1 μL. The amplification conditions: pre-denatured at 95°C for 3 min, denatured at 94°C for 30 s, annealed at 55°C for 45 s, extended at 72°C for 1 min, 30 cycles, final extension at 72°C for 6 min, stored at 16°C. The PCR amplification products were electrophoretic in 1% agarose gel, and the bright PCR products were recovered. After the T vector was detected positive, the products were sent to the biological company for sequencing.


3.3 Acquisition and analysis of Xa23 Gene promoter sequence

In addition to the Xa23 allele DNA sequence obtained from the above amplification products, we also obtained O. longistaminata, O. barthii, O. glaberrima, O. punctata, O. meridionalis, O. glumaepatula, O. rufipogon from Gramene (http://www.gramene.org), obtained common rice varieties 9311, Nipponbare, Minghui 63, R498, Zhenshan97S, from RiceData (http://rice.hzau.edu.cn/cgi-bin/rice2/blast), and obtained Xa23 promoter allelic sequence from high-throughput sequencing of rice varieties IR24 data in this study. The nucleotide sequences about 200 bp upstream of the start codon of Xa23/xa23 were analyzed by using the subroutine Align X of the biological information analysis software Vector NTI. According to the characteristics of EBEavrXa23 sequence, the haplotypes of Xa23 promoter were classified. In addition, the nucleotide sequence consistency of Xa23/xa23 promoter from different rice materials was counted.


3.4 Design and verification of Xa23 promoter functional marker

According to the difference of EBEavrXa23 sequence in Xa23/xa23 promoter region of different rice varieties, a functional marker for detection of Xa23 gene was designed. And its primer sequence Xa23FunF: AAAGTCCCTTCCGAAACATC; Xa23FunR: ATGAGGAAGTGCTGCCAGA. The PCR amplification products were electrophoretic in 1% agarose gel, and then observed, recorded, and analyzed.


Authors' contributions

ZDD is the experimental designer and executor of this research. ZDD completed the data analysis and manuscript writing. FYL, JXY participated in the design of the study and performed the statistical analysis. XZH is the designer and director of the project, guiding the experimental design, data analysis, writing and revision. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.



This study was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province (318MS007), 2019 High-level Talents Project Fund for Basic and Applied Basic Research (Natural Science) in Hainan Province, 2019 Major Science and Technology Program in Hainan Province (2016ZX08001-002).



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Rice Genomics and Genetics
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. Dandan Zhang
. Yulong Fan
. Xiangyun Ji
. Zhihui Xia
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. Bacterial blight
. Xa23 promoter
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